【同义词辨析】 2019-11-06 浅的superficial-uncritical
superficial: implies a concern only with obvious or surface aspects or an avoidance of fundamental matters: a ~ examination of the wound. (superficial有3个意思 1、本义外表的外部的affecting or involving only the outer part or surface,如superficial damage/wound皮外损伤/伤口 引申为2、表面上的不深入全面的concerned only with what is obvious or apparent; not thorough or complete,如superficial changes/solutions表面上的改变/解决,如these similarities/differences are only superficial这些相似/差异只是表面上的 3、肤浅的not caring about or involving important matters or deep emotions,如he thinks she is vain and superficial他认为她自负肤浅=shallow。3个意思很接近,都和"外表外观"有关,surface和superfices都来自拉丁词根FACIES表示face, aspect脸、外观)
shallow: is more generally derogatory in implying lack of depth in knowledge, reasoning, emotions, or character: a ~ interpretation of the character Hamlet. shallow比superficial更直白因此也更贬义
cursory: suggests haste and casualness that lead to a lack of thoroughness or a neglect of details: even a ~ reading of the work will reveal that. 又如a cursory glance/inspection/look匆匆一瞥/检查/看一眼 (casual不在乎随意非正式漫不经心not showing much care or thought,如casual clothes/remark/chat /person/attitude/acquaintance /observer/worker便装休闲服/随便说说/闲聊/随便的人/无所谓的态度/泛泛之交/漫不经心的看客/临时工零工)
uncritical: implies a superficiality or shallowness unbefitting to a critic or sound judge: her ~ acceptance of his excuses. (critical批判性的,指深入清晰准确地思考和看问题,从而公平地评判评价to see a thing clearly and truly in order to judge or value it fairly,如a critical essay on modern drama现代戏曲评论,如critical thinking批判性思维,是指深入清晰地思考问题) (befit适合、相称to be suitable or proper for,如she has a mind for serious inquiry, as befits a scientist她有严肃探究的头脑,适合当科学家,如clothes befitting the occasion/a gentleman适合在某场合穿的衣服,和绅士身份相称的衣服) critic批评家评论家judge鉴定员
superficial表面外表肤浅: 只看表面的浅显的不关注深层的问题,shallow肤浅浅薄: 更加直白贬义,指出缺乏深度,cursory粗略匆匆: 表示快速或随意地做某事,导致不全面忽视细节,uncritical非批判性的: 指不加鉴别的一概接受的,和评论员鉴定员职业不相称的
记忆方法: 1)首字母SSCU排序成CUSS表示an annoying or stubborn person or animal烦人或固执的家伙<==浅的 "浅"是形声字,本义是"水不深",戋仅表声不表具体含义 引申为1、任何表面到底或从外面到里面距离小,如浅滩浅水浅草 2、指道理含义等容易理解,如浅显深入浅出 3、指缺乏学识修养,如浅陋浅薄浅见肤浅才疏学浅浅学误事 4、泛指程度小,无论是距离还是难度还是,都有一定程度,程度大就是深,程度小就是浅,如浅尝辄止害人不浅浅浅一笑深蓝浅红浅斟轻唱见识/缘分/感情/交情浅
2) 练习一下
3)浅的意思是缺乏深度mean lacking in depth, comprehensiveness, or solidity. comprehensive广泛solid坚实